View information about your VMware vCenter, your ESX/i (compatible with the 3.5/4.x/5 versions) or your VMware Server (version 2).
View the inventory, VM details (like OS, tools status, notes, ...), alarms, sessions, general details, recent tasks, storage infos (eg free space) and even answer virtual machine questions. Additional: you can now also take/revert and delete snapshots for free, and rename VMs. The app is ad-free, working with Android 1.6+ and updates are released regularly.
You can now also start and stop machines with the Virtual Viewer Power Addon (separate app)! Once installed it allows you to power on, power off, reset, suspend VMs and to shutdown or reboot the guest OS.
The Virtual Viewer App itself will always be free of charge! If you like to support me, please provide me with feedback and what you like to see implemented or buy the Virtual Viewer power addon.
If you have problems please check the project page and/or contact me!
SD Card: you can export/import profiles to/from sd card
Internet: to be able to connect to network hosts this is required
Wifi: to be able to connect to network hosts
Please note:
ESXi free edition is unable to receive commands - this is an VMware restriction!</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">查看信息的VMware vCenter,ESX /我(兼容的3.5/4.x/5版本)或您的VMware服务器(第2版)。
查看库存,虚拟机的详细信息(如操作系统,工具的地位,票据,...),报警器,会话,一般的细节,最近的任务,存储的相关信息(如自由空间)虚拟机的问题,甚至回答。附加说明:您现在还可以拿/恢复和删除快照免费,并重新命名虚拟机。应用程序是无广告,采用Android 1.6 +定期公布和更新。
ESXi的免费版本,是无法接受的命令 - 这是一个VMware的限制!</div> <div class="show-more-end">